Vilistlaste mentorprogramm

Kutsume vilistlasi osalema mentorina EBSi magistrantidele mõeldud mentorprogrammis!


EBSi vilistlased on alati olnud oodatud tagasi tuttavasse Lauteri tänava majja, et oma teadmisi järjekindlalt täiendada. Usume aga, et meie vilistlastel on ka endil palju kogemusi ja mõtteid, mida jagada.


Teemad, mis vajavad väljaspool õppekava enim lisatähelepanu, on

  • juhtimisoskuste arendamine,
  • organisatsiooni juhtimine ning
  • protsessidega seotud oskused ja teadmised.

Need ootused saidki aluseks EBSi mentorprogrammi ellu kutsumisel.


Programmis on mentoriteks EBSi vilistlased ja mentiideks MBA magistrandid. Programmi üks eesmärke on aidata oma kogemuste põhjal lahendada mentii ettevõttes esinev probleem.


Iga mentor valib endale mentii, kellega tehakse õppeaasta jooksul koostööd ja vahetatakse mõtteid. 

Kui soovid programmis mentorina osaleda või sellest rohkem teada, siis võta ühendust: Sirli Kalep (

Leia endale sobiv mentor meie vilistlaste hulgast

Toomas Viira

Toomas Viira

Kogenud ja tulemustele orienteeritud küberturbe riskijuht ja IT audiitor. Üle 20-aastane kogemus IT ja küberturbe valdkonnas.

Helen Tarvis

Head of Division, Risk Group Products and Digital Banking at Swedbank Group since 2018. Areas of competence: Process management, operational risk management, project management, organisation governance, general management and leadership.

Jevgeni Širai

Expert in innovation field - how to start a busines, how to keep the focus and validate the idea quickly; how to bring innovation to a long-established company and its processes or how to create innovation in "boring" areas and make them cool.

Sergey Krylov

Robotics Process Automation Developer in Swedbank, building software robots to perform different repetitive tasks within the business units. Particular interest in process design and alignment, extensive product, marketing and entrepreneurial experience from past career.

Haver Järveoja

Co-founder and COO of Wolf3D, a company producing 3D avatars, responsible for the day-to-day operational management of the company. In 2019 was selected together with the co-founders of the start-up company Wolf3D in Forbes magazine's ranking “30 under 30” - The Top Young Entrepreneurs of the Forbes Under 30.

Ilona Lott

Multilingual business executive with more than fifteen years of experience in human resources function and over fifteen years in sales, business development and general management.

Kristina Piilik

For Dr. Piilik an interdisciplinary approach throughout the studies with focus on international relations, law and business management has been an excellent base for working successfully as a business and legal consultant for several years.

Merko Kimsto

Experience in product development, pricing, launch of new products and cooperation’s, underwriting, reinsurance, process improvement, leadership, coaching, pan-Baltic product portfolio management. I like to develop new products and services to customers and launch new value creating partnerships.
Kaspar Tiri

Kaspar Tiri

Named to Forbes 30 Under 30, Kaspar is a co-founder of Wolf3D, a company providing a persistent identity for the virtual worlds. Kaspar has experience with fundraising (Wolf3D funding ~3M), taking new products to the market (1.5M in revenue in the first year), and scaling a team. Kaspar has worked with large enterprise companies from different industries such as H&M, Tencent, Huawei, and more.